Debunking the Climate Scam
Billions of Dollars -
Greedy Green Corporations -
No Warming For Two decades -
Bought and Paid For Organizations
5000 Years Of Climate Change From Greenland Ice Cores
Medieval Warm Period
1275 studies of Medieval Warm Period. Red is locations that show warming.
Click for the interactive map, Click on the name of the study for details of that study. Also here and here
More MWP information More evidence that the Medieval Warming Period was global, not regional
Unimpeachable Scientific Data: Treeline Study Confirms U.S. Warmer In Past
Medieval Warm Period found in 120 proxies. More. Plus Roman era was similar to early 20th Century.
Links to Medieval Warm Period papers by region:
Africa, Antarctica, Arctic, China, Japan Miscellaneous Russia Australia/New Zealand
Central America, Central Europe, Miscellaneous Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe,
Canada Plus, Mexico Plus, United States, Oceans, South America
Roman Warm Period
Links to Roman Warm Period papers by region:
Europe Central Mediterranean Northern Other Misc Asia North America South America
Norwegian Glacier Retreating To Levels That Were Normal During Roman Times
New Study: Hottest Temperatures For Arabian Sea Recorded During Roman & Medieval Periods
ALSO SEE: Climate History More
Warming Stopped |
NOAA Data |
NorthWest |
Oregon |
Washington |
Extreme Weather |
Past Was Warmer |
NASA: 30's Hotter |
PastBeliefs |
HistoryOFAlarmism |
Central England |
Temperature History |
MultiProxy |
treemometers |
Northwest Passage |
Acidification-Ball |
Acidification-Fulks |
Acidification-Idso |
Selected Emails |
CRU Emails - html formatted |
CRU Emails Simple Format |
CRU Emails UnFormatted |
DCPS paper |
CRU_Files_Notice |
False Deadlines |
Hockey Stick Links |